The Tomey RT-7000 Autorefractor Keratometer Topographer allows the user to switch from Ref-Keratometer Mode to Corneal Topography Mode with only one touch. The light cone appears with only one button from the measuring head and the Ref-Keratometer is transformed to the Topographer. The touch alignment of the Tomey RT-7000 quickly aligns the eye center with the center of the screen by simply touching the eye shown on the screen. The Auto Alignment and Auto Show functions on the Tomey RT-7000 then start measurement immediately. The 6.4 inch big color TFT LCD on the Tomey RT-7000 can be seen from anywhere: up, down, right and left of the display. It is easy to measure while either sitting or standing.
• Easy & Speedy Touch Screen Alignment
• 6.4 inch Color TFT LCD
• Dual CCD technology for Refractometry
• Cataract & IOL Mode
• New Indices for Keratometry: KAI, KRI
• Auto Alignment / Auto Shot for Topography