Blue on Yellow Perimetry
Also known as Short Wavelength Automated Perimetry (SWAP), this technique can detect Glaucoma many years earlier than standard perimetry. Complying with the international standard for SWAP, the Opto AP200 with exclusive solid-state technology offers wavelength stability resulting in higher accuracy for blue on yellow testing.
Flicker Perimetry
Flicker Perimetry is becoming increasingly accepted as an important means for early detection of Glaucoma and other ocular conditions that reduce retina sensitivity. The Opto AP200 has a sophisticated Flicker Perimetry function can be combined with any standard or custom test, increasing the flexibility for use in private practice, hospital clinic or research.
Digital Eye Tracker
The state-of-the-art Digital Eye Tracker on the Opto AP200 continuously monitors patient fixation, avoiding erroneous measurements without adding time to patient exams. The result is enhanced accuracy and reduced test times when using the Opto AP200.
Exclusive Solid State Technology
The Opto AP200 utilizes solid-state technology for stimuli and background illumination, improving precision and eliminating the need for routine calibration, maintenance or bulb replacement.
Embedded Computer
The optional embedded computer enhances the Opto AP200 aesthetics, creating more clinic workspace with minimal cabling required.
Rapid Test Times
Several techniques are available to reduce examination time when using the Opto AP200, including Screening, Fast Threshold and the exclusive FastScan strategies as well as adaptive response, custom fields, previous pattern method and more.
User Friendly Software
The Opto AP200 Automated Perimeter software has been designed to be intuitive and simple to use, even for operators with limited experience. The interactive menus on the Opto AP200 are easy to use and provide comprehensive information reducing the time spent preparing reviewing and printing patient exams.
Multiple Printout Capability
Various configurations and options for report printing on the AP200 are available, including seven-in-one, multi-exams, and combo printouts.
Regression Analysis
This sophisticated software tool on the Opto AP200 allows complete monitoring and assessment of visual field regression.
Language and Terminology Adaptation
The Opto AP200 Automated Perimeter software can be easily translated to other languages through a tool provided in the software. This same tool also allows the user to perform specific adjustments in the perimetry terminology to suit different user preferences.
Comparison Function
This feature on the Opto AP200 Perimeter provides the capability of comparing a prior and current exam side by side, and printing out a detailed report on a single page.
Pupil Diameter Measurement
The Opto AP200 automatic pupil measurement function saves time and augments convenience in every examination.
Improved Patient Comfort
Patient comfort can influence the reliability of the exam. The open design of the Opto AP200 Automated Perimeter enhances ventilation and reduces the potential for the patient to experience claustrophobia or similar sensations.