The Zeiss GDx VCC measures the phase shift (retardation) of polarized light passing through the eye. Retardation is affected by the arrangement and density of RNFL microtubules or other directional elements and tissue thickness. Zeiss GDx analysis has been proven to accurately discriminate between healthy and glaucomatous eyes and to be predictive of visual field loss. Zeiss GDx provides precise RNFL analysis for glaucoma case detection, diagnosis, and management.
The Variable Corneal Compensation (VCC) feature on the Zeiss GDx VCC determines and corrects for each patient’s individual non-RNFL retardation. RNFL retardation has been shown to closely correlate with the location and severity of RNFL structural defects in glaucoma patients.
The Zeiss GDx VCC offers seamless workflow integration:
• Efficient & easy-to-use system
• Provides highly reproducible answers
• Requires minimal operator training
• Eliminates the need for dilation
• Delivers results quickly
• Provides easy-to-interpret printouts
• Ensures convenience through portability