Some views draw the observer directly into the picture—views such as those offered by Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT. This new high-performance OCT instrument from Carl Zeiss Meditec offers a quantum leap forward in imaging. Featuring spectral domain technology, The Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT delivers exquisite high-definition images of ocular structures, precise registration and intuitive, efficient operation.
The Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT realizes the superior capabilities of Zeiss optics and provides exquisite high definition images and analyses for enhanced clinical confidence.
Beautiful high definition OCT scans and LSO fundus images provide visualization of retinal structure. The Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT offers HD layer maps and thickness maps which reveal the critical details of histology and pathology at a glance.
Advanced hardware and software on the Zeiss Cirrus facilitate automated alignment and high patient through-put. An elegant user interface and fast electronics mean chair time is shortened.
The compact, integrated design of the Zeiss Cirrus has a small footprint, so the Cirrus can fit into even a crowded clinic, and with the 90-degree orientation the operator can easily see the patient during setup and scanning.
Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT Review Software
Zeiss Cirrus OCT Review Software brings the power of Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT analysis to the exam lane. To streamline office workflow, Zeiss Cirrus Review Software enables dynamic viewing of images and analyses at a remote location such as a laptop or personal computer.
Zeiss Cirrus OCT Review Software Adds Value in These Critical Areas:
• Allows detailed analysis of data in a doctor’s office, patient exam lane, or research center
• Facilitates patient education by bringing dynamic display and 3D advanced visualization to a convenient location
• Increases instrument availability for improved patient workflow
• Supports simultaneous connection of up to ten review stations