Mastery is achieved through constant refinement
The IOLMaster 500 is dedicated to lowhassle biometry and high-confidence IOL selection. Designed for robustness, reliability and exceptional system integrity, the IOLMaster 500 offers a wide range of built-in IOL power calculation options, including the latest Haigis and Holladay formulas.
IOLMaster 500 at a glance
• All-in-one biometer: axial length and keratometry measurements as well as IOL power calculation in one device
• Dual Mode: axial length and keratometry measurements without unnecessary manual interaction
• Easy patient adjustments: distance independence of axial length and keratometry
• Composite Signal: for best-in-class cataract penetration
• Flexible platform: automatic or manual mode for customized treatments
• Robust platform: fully integrated system components, including formulas
• One consistent graphical user interface: for all formulas, including Holladay 2
• Most comprehensive set of formulas: includes fourth generation Haigis and Holladay 2
• Holladay 2 onboard: incorporated into the IOLMaster 500 formula selection; no need to export data, reducing transcription errors
• Haigis-L formula: for post-LVC patients
• Measurements along visual axis: for relevant axial distance, even in eyes with staphyloma
• Measures challenging eyes: pseudophakic and siliconefilled eyes as well as eyes with phakic IOL
• More comprehensive IOL calculation: for virtually all common IOL types
• Phakic IOL calculation: both anterior and posterior
• ULIB database: contains continuously optimized IOL lens constants to improve refractive outcomes
• Convenience: Sonolink for integrating Accutome A-Scan synergy ultrasound device
• Data integration: into FORUM data management system
• DICOM interface: for integration into EMR systems