The Zeiss FF450 plus Fundus Camera provides three field angles 50°, 30° and the smaller 20° field for precise detail of the optic nerve and macula. The Zeiss FF450 plus delivers images for the diagnosis of retinal diseases with an extremely high level of accuracy using Zeiss Telecentric Optics. These optics guarantee precise retinal measurement, while providing a light yield with minimal exposure to the patient. The Zeiss FF450 plus offers capture mode options of color, red, red-free, blue, fluorescein and ICG, making the Zeiss FF450 plus extremely versatile and practical for all retinal imaging applications. The Zeiss FF450 plus ensures fast, easy operation with motorized filters and advanced exposure adjustment capabilities with extensive default settings for every capture mode. The Zeiss FF450 plus offers extensive viewing, archiving and data management capabilities. These features are standard with every FF450 plus, when integrated with the Zeiss VISUPAC Digital Imaging System.
The Zeiss VISUPAC system and the Zeiss FF 450 plus Fundus Camera are reciprocally calibrated, consistently providing a unique level of accuracy and security that can’t be approximated with a third-party or aftermarket configuration. Without this level of integrated synergy, calibration and measurement accuracy cannot be assured. Matching the VISUPAC system pixel for pixel, the Zeiss FF 450 plus Fundus Camera sets the industry standard for image quality. The Zeiss FF 450 plus offers outstanding, highly detailed image capture that optimizes the capabilities of the VISUPAC system. The Zeiss FF 450 plus provides other ideal synergies to the VISUPAC system. The Zeiss FF 450 plus ensures fast, easy operation with motorized filters and professional exposure adjustment capabilities with comprehensive default settings for every capture mode. It also provides a choice of sensor resolution for the broad range of clinical needs.
• The best diagnosis starts with the best images
• Advanced digital sensor technology provides the sharpest fundus detail available
• Exclusive ZEISS Telecentric Optics. Proprietary high-transmission, high-resolution optical features integrates seamlessly with the FF 450plus Fundus Camera for superb image quality, diagnostic versatility and upgradeability to future technologies
• Powerful computer/software is easily accessed with a simple, straightforward user interface
• Incorporates the highest-resolution optics and the most advanced digital sensor technology to provide the sharpest fundus detail available