The Zeiss Humphrey Matrix Perimeter utilizes Welch Allyn Frequency Doubling Technology. The Zeiss Humphrey Matrix represents a significant breakthrough in Visual Field testing by combining early glaucoma detection capabilities, tools to characterize glaucoma and basic glaucoma management tools. The Humphrey Matrix also doubles as an in-office glaucoma screener with 35 second supra-threshold testing. The Humphrey Matrix also provides up to 69 stimuli to characterize visual field defects to facilitate accurate diagnoses.
The Humphrey Matrix also comes equipped with Glaucoma Asymmetry Test and serial field overview software for comprehensive threshold exams and charting change over time, clinically validated by numerous studies. Patient and practice friendly, the Zeiss Humphrey Matrix has a video eye monitoring feature that simplifies patient alignment and fixation control. Additionally, when using the Humphrey Matrix, an eye patch isn’t required, and trial lenses are only needed beyond +/- 3 diopters. The Humphrey Matrix also comes with enhanced optics for 30° FOV.
The Zeiss Humphrey Matrix performs dependably in ambient light so there’s no need to darken the room. Humphrey Matrix test results are presented on an LCD color display and can be printed on an external color printer. The Zeiss Humphrey Matrix can store up to a million exams for historical analysis.
Only minimal training is required to use the Humphrey Matrix, and any staff member can operate the Matrix Perimeter. Compact, lightweight and with only a small footprint, the Humphrey Matrix can be located almost anywhere in your practice.
• Excellent for characterizing Visual Field status and providing a basic glaucoma management platform
• Threshold and screening tests for comprehensive care
• Patient management software including Glaucoma Asymmetry Test and serial field overview for comprehensive exam results
• Clinical validation from numerous studies documenting the Humphrey Matrix’s diagnostic performance
• Easy and intuitive operation for users of any ability