Lpulsa YAG available with: 532, 561 & 577, and 810nm
LightMed Lightlas – The Ultimate in Adaptability
The LightMed Lightlas Laser is one of the most highly adaptable systems on the market and provides a range of delivery systems for the convenience of the ophthalmologist.
The LightMed Lightlas is specifically designed to be adapted easily to different office environment, increasing its usability.
For those ophthalmologists that prefer dedicates instruments LightMed offers a fully integrated version of the Lightlas Laser based on the CSO 980 Zeiss style slit lamp. A range of table types are offered including a wheelchair access table.
The Lightlas Laser Delivery Attachment has been designed to suit a range of slit lamps and will fit most Haag Streit style slit lamps. For a full range of compatible slit lamps please contact your local distributor or LightMed directly.
A key feature of the LightMed Lightlas Laser Delivery Attachment is its ability to adapt to the LPULSA SYL9000 Nd:YAG laser used for posterior Capsulotomy. A convenient and space saving feature, this allows one slip lamp to fulfill a multifunctional role.
The LightMed Lightlas Laser Provides Superior Performance
One of the ways the LightMed Lightlas Laser delivers superior performance is by providing clear, crisp and high-resolution image quality with a well-defined and color balanced field of view.
Quality components on the LightMed Lightlas also ensure superior performance as LightMed have used the best quality slit lamps and optical components available for the Lightlas Laser.
Benefit of the LightMed Lightlas Laser System
The LightMed Lightlas Laser is designed with special features for ease of use in the office, mobile use and in the operating room. The key benefits that the system offers are outlined below. The Lightlas Laser is:
The LightMed Lightlas Laser is Adaptable
A key feature of the Lightlas Laser system is its adaptability as it offers the following options:
• A detachable delivery system, able to fit a range of slit lamp microscopes options
• It can be attached to the LightMed LPULSA SYL9000 Nd:YAG laser providing the user with a single platform that has dual capability
• A dedicated Zeiss style slit lamp delivered version
The LightMed Lightlas Laser is Compact
The system is compact, easily transported in the carry case and is immediately ready for action during mobile use.
The LightMed Lightlas Laser is Flexible
Flexibility and compact design are features of the Lightlas Laser and are highlighted by the removable Control Panel that provides space saving option. The laser console can also be attached to the instrument table providing additional space saving solution. For added convenience a range of tables is offered including tables that provide wheelchair access. The Lightlas Laser fits a range of slit lamps and the removable Control Panel can be configured to suit the clinical setting.
The LightMed Lightlas Laser is Precise
To increase the precision of the treatment, all delivery systems are available with a micromanipulator if required.
The LightMed Lightlas Laser is Safe
The safety filter on the LightMed Lightlas Laser provides maximum protection while maintaining an excellent color balance in the field of view.