Zeiss IOL Master
The Zeiss IOL Master was approved by the United States FDA in 2000. A non-contact optical device that measures the distance from the corneal vertex to the retinal pigment epithelium by partial coherence interferometry, the Zeiss IOL Master is consistently accurate to within ±0.02 mm or better. The IOL Master is the first such device to be widely used in clinical ophthalmology. Calibrated against the ultra-high resolution 40-MHz Grieshaber Biometric System, an internal algorithm approximates the distance to the vitreoretinal interface, for the equivalent of an immersion A-scan ultrasonic axial length.
Considering the fact that axial length measurements by A-scan ultrasonography (using a standard 10-MHz transducer) have a typical resolution of 0.10 mm to 0.12 mm, axial length measurements by the IOL Master represent a fivefold increase in accuracy.
The IOL Master allows fast, accurate measurements of eye length and surface curvature, necessary for cataract surgery. The IOL Master Read More